To manage your inventory on Walmart, you can follow these steps:
1. Log in to your Walmart seller account at
2. Click on the "Inventory" tab in the top navigation bar.
3. Review your inventory dashboard to see your current inventory levels, product performance, and any pending actions that require your attention.
4. Use the "Bulk Edit" feature to make changes to multiple products at once, such as updating prices, quantities, or fulfillment options.
5. Use the "Manage Inventory" feature to make changes to individual products, such as updating product descriptions or images, or adjusting inventory levels.
6. Use the "Inventory Reports" feature to view detailed reports on your inventory, such as sales reports or inventory aging reports.
7. Use the "Fulfillment" feature to manage your fulfillment options, such as setting up self-fulfillment or using Walmart's fulfillment service.
It's important to note that managing your inventory effectively is essential to maintaining a successful business on Walmart's Marketplace. This includes keeping your inventory levels up-to-date, ensuring that your products are accurately categorized and described, and monitoring your product performance regularly to identify any issues or opportunities for improvement.
You can also use inventory management software or third-party tools to help you automate and streamline your inventory management processes, and to track your inventory levels and sales data more efficiently.
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