Are there any restrictions on how I can price my products on Walmart?

 Yes, Walmart has a pricing policy that sellers must follow when selling on their Marketplace. According to this policy, sellers must offer their products at a price that is no higher than the lowest price that they offer on any other online sales channel for the same item.

This means that sellers cannot use Walmart's Marketplace as a platform to offer higher prices for their products compared to other online channels. In addition, sellers must also ensure that their prices are competitive and in line with the market standards for their product categories.

Walmart also reserves the right to monitor the pricing practices of sellers on their Marketplace and take action against any sellers who violate their pricing policy. This could include removing the seller's listing or suspending their account.

It's important for sellers to review and follow Walmart's pricing policy to ensure that they remain compliant and avoid any negative consequences for their business.

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